I love winter - absolutely love it - but I'm not always sure that it loves me as I wish it did.
Many of you will now that - in best sheep-keeping tradition - I flit between five main 'jobs' trying to keep things afloat. However, from March to October each year, our calendar also takes in yarn shows around Scotland and Northern England, and the preparation for these is hugely demanding (physically as well as mentally). Even thought the events are exhausting I still believe that there is no better way of engaging with customers, finding out what they like and seeing what they've made! The full-on nature of it all though means that - in 24/25 I'll be trying to take a proper break from wool shows from October through to March, and perhaps closing the online shop for a month although (like this year) I'll still be answering email enquiries and sending out specific requests. I've now re-opened the shop after a January break for stock-taking, but stocks are still quite low while I wait for spun yarn to come from the Mill ready for this year's shows. See the News Page for info. It's all part of my bid to make my winters more restorative, creative and reflective, so that I'm better equipped to keep my other jobs on the boil and to have more energy for 'the wool season'. This year I'll be sixty. As a treat to myself, I promised myself three creative workshops (not wool business related) over the winter. The first was a lino-cut printing workshop At Birkhill House which I'm officially adding to my list of Happy Places. End result of three hours of fun was the print above of which I am inordinately proud. The second is a needle-felt pictures workshop by Moy Mackay, and the third a taster in stained glass. The sheep have been doing very well over the winter - despite the endless cycle of storms and a period of freezing weather and snowfall. We have acquired two new members of the flock (a three-legged young moorit wether, already called Stumpy when we got him, and a pretty white ewe called Snowy). Both are as friendly as anything, and we'll be looking to buy in some more stock this year as some of our ladies are now quite old and their fleeces do deteriorate over time. We have acquired a puppy, and it's fair to say that this has also been part of the reason for needing a rest. What an all-encompassing, full-of-love-and-chaos period it has been. She's called Rosie, and I'll put a photo below as she has made herself part of the wool-production team! Have a great 2024 everyone!
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November 2024
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